A new report by anti-drunk driving advocacy group Mothers Against Drunk Driving asserts thousands of trips by impaired drivers were circumvented by Indiana ignition interlock devices. Specifically, from 2006 to 2016, the group reports nearly 7,100 drunk driving trips were thwarted. Indiana's ignition interlock law went into effect in 2015. Just in the last year alone, from...
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Is An Apartment Complex Liable for Negligent Security?
Recently, four families filed a lawsuit against an apartment management company and the security firm hired by the management company. The lawsuits allege negligent security in the death of their family members. The fatalities occurred at an apartment called Eureka Gardens in Florida. There were multiple separate shootings on different days at the apartment complex....
Read MoreThe Opioid Epidemic Could Lead To More Indiana Truck Accidents
In recent months, opioids have made headline after headline as law enforcement and medical personnel struggle to deal with the epidemic. But while most coverage of opioids has focused on the health risks the drugs pose to users, another potential risk also merits attention: opioid use among truck drivers. Truck drivers frequently use drugs to...
Read MoreHow to Keep Infants and Toddlers Safe from Car Accidents
All parents want to keep their children safe from becoming hurt in a motor vehicle accident. Unfortunately, many parents have misconceptions about how they can best protect their children from car accident injuries. For example, Parents.com indicates that parents often purchase Sport Utility Vehicles (SUVs) in order to try to protect young kids. However, SUVs may...
Read MoreDrugged Driving Risks and Consequences for Indianapolis Drivers
Indiana addresses the crime of operating a vehicle while intoxicated in Title 9, Article 30, Chapter 5. Within the relevant code section, Indiana describes operating while impaired in terms of the blood alcohol concentration levels of the driver. For example, if a driver has a BAC of between .08 and .15, the driver can be...
Read More5 Tips for Avoiding Indianapolis DUIs during Thanksgiving Weekend
Are you going to be partying over Thanksgiving weekend? You are not alone. The Wednesday before Thanksgiving to the Sunday after Thanksgiving are considered some of the most dangerous days on the road, according to Edmunds. Thanksgiving is dangerous for two primary reasons: more people on the road due to more motorist's traveling and more...
Read MoreAlternatives to Trick-or-Treating for Parents Worried About Indianapolis Pedestrian Accidents
Pedestrian accidents are a serious risk on Halloween. WTHR has warned Indy parents in the past about the increased risks of pedestrian accidents, which put kids in significant danger as they go trick-or-treating. With more kids out, and with potentially intoxicated people coming home from Halloween parties, October 31 could be a night of tragedy...
Read MoreAvoiding Deadly Rear-End Accidents in Indianapolis
Rear-end collisions are one of the most common crashes, occurring around once every eight seconds in the United States. While some of these rear-end collisions are minor fender bender accidents, some can be serious or even deadly. One recent rear-end car accident in Indianapolis resulted in the loss of a life and illustrates the importance...
Read MoreWrong-Way Car Accidents Endanger Indianapolis Motorists
Wrong-way car accidents are some of the most dangerous collisions which occur. The Indy Channel reported recently on a wrong way accident which caused injuries to four motorists. The crash happened on I-70 near Sherman Drive in the eastbound lanes. Law enforcement officers indicated there was a white sedan which was traveling in the wrong direction...
Read MoreIndianapolis Pedestrian Accidents Happen When Cars Don't See Walkers
Pedestrians accounted for 15 percent of the total victims killed in car accidents in both 2014 and 2015, according to Governors' Highway Safety Association. In the years prior, pedestrians accounted for 11 percent of victims or fewer. Unfortunately, pedestrians are not only likely to be killed but can also be left in serious condition when...
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